Kochi (Kerala): The Kerala High Court on Monday deferred the trial in the Kerala actress attack case till November 6 while considering the transfer applications filed by the prosecution and the victim seeking to shift the trial to another court.
During the hearing, the counsel of the victim submitted that questions affecting the character of the victim were raised by the accused and added that though objections were raised, the trial court overruled and allowed such objectionable questions.
"The transfer of trial to another court will not affect the deadline set by the Supreme Court to complete the trial... The trial judge and the prosecutor are now at loggerheads. The judge has made remarks against the prosecutor and has read out the contents of an anonymous letter against the prosecutor," the counsel submitted.
"It is not possible to continue the trial in that court in such a scenario. Since the prosecution itself has expressed doubts about the bona fides of the judge and expressed no-confidence, how can the victim place faith in the court? The victim was put to cross-examination for nine continuous days.
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The victim of sexual crime had to undergo another ordeal," the counsel added. The prosecution submitted that the victim was put to several days of cross-examination before a battery of lawyers of the accused. "Prosection had raised objections. Even objections were not recorded.