Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Tuesday directed the Centre to consider without delay the request made by the state government for departure from the Standard Operating Protocol set in place on the period of institutional quarantine prescribed for people travelling to Kerala from overseas and from other states.
A division bench, comprising Justices Anu Sivaraman and M R Anitha, gave the direction while considering a plea alleging that the Kerala government has diluted by seven days the Centre's directive of compulsory 14 days quarantine period.
The state government informed the court that the issue of reduction of quarantine has been considered by it in consultation with medical experts and a decision has been taken to request the centre to provide exemption from the Standard Operating Protocol for the state taking note of the special circumstances prevailing in the region.
Counsel for the union government submitted that the Standard Operating Protocol has been prepared taking note of the factual situation and on expert advice and that as such, departure from the same is not normally warranted.
Counsel argued that such departure by the state governments will lead to a serious situation.
In its order, the court said it was of the opinion that it is for the central government to consider the request made by the state government for departure from the Standard Operating protocol set in place with regard to the period of institutional quarantine.