Malappuram (Kerala):Two Indigo Airline employees were held for smuggling 4.9 kg of gold mixture worth Rs 2.5 crore brought via a passenger at the Karipur airport here by the Customs officials. The accused have been identified as Senior Executive Officer Sajid Rahman and Customer Service Agent Mohammad Samil.
Gold worth Rs 2.5Cr seized at Kerala's Karipur airport; Two Indigo Airline employees held The crime came to light when Senior Executive Officer Sajid Rahman was caught while trying to bring out a box containing gold smuggled in by a passenger named Askarali, a native of Wayanad who had traveled from Dubai. He was recorded in the act on a CCTV camera, while his attempts to tamper with the tag of the box carrying gold made the officials even more suspicious.
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Sajid and his accomplice Mohammad Samil -- who helped in the smuggling -- were taken into custody by the customs after the gold mixture was found in the box during the customs scanning. The passenger however managed to abscond after the delivery.
The customs also reportedly faced a technical glitch while they were trying to open the box and inspect it. The box was then opened in the presence of witnesses and other employees of the Airline. During the investigation, the accused confessed that they were involved in gold smuggling in the past as well.