Thiruvananthapuram: Days after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) probing the Kerala gold smuggling case through the diplomatic channel, sought CCTV footage of the state secretariat, the general administration department (GAD) on Tuesday started copying the footage of the building to handover it to the anti-terror agency.
As per reports, the files are being transferred to hard disks and it will be handed over to the agency once the entire footage of one year from July 1, 2019 to July 12, 2020 are fully copied to the external devices.
Once the external device containing the required footage, which the agency had sought is received the NIA sleuths will begin with the process of examining it.
These visuals are said to be crucial in the gold smuggling case investigation. The probing team is looking at the possibility of establishing any links between the accused in the case and the former Principal Secretary and suspended senior IAS officer M Sivasankar.
On July 23, NIA has sought the CCTV footage of the state secretariat and sent a letter to chief secretary Biswas Mehta in this regard.