Kollam (Kerala): People familiar with Kerala's Panmana Asramam have been proudly recalling the visit of Mahatma Gandhi to the facility in 1934.
Gandhi, who had been to Kerala five times altogether, visited Panmana Asramam on 19 January after a request from Kumbalath Shanku Pilla. The visit was aimed at raising money for ‘Harijan funds’ to fight social inequalities that were prevalent at the time.
A separate thatched shed was made in the Asramam for Gandhi to read and spend his night. He stayed for two days and is said to have spent his time in the serene atmosphere in prayers and contemplation. His memories, including the articles he used, have been preserved since then. The history of Gandhi’s visit has been inscribed in the front of the Siva temple in Panmana Asramam premises.