Malappuram (Kerala): For the first time in history, a man belonging to the Chola Naykkar tribal community has become a candidate in the local body elections in Kerala.
Sudheesh from Punchakolli Tribal Colony at Vazhikkadavu in Malappuram District is the Left Democratic Front (LDF) candidate for the upcoming local body elections to Vazhikkadavu Block Division. The LDF leadership has said that they are very proud of Sudheesh’s candidature.
It is for the first time that a person belonging to Chola Naykkar tribes, one of the most ancient ethnic communities in the whole of Asia, is a candidate for the elections in the democratic system. Traditionally hunter-gatherers, the people of Cholanaykkar community used to live only in caves until recently. The lifestyle and traditions are also totally different from that of the other tribal communities. If elected, Sudheesh aims at the upliftment and betterment of the life of the people in his community.