Malappuram (Kerala): Haroon Kareem, a visually impaired student from here, struggled to get the approval to use computer aid in Kerala Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) examinations for the first time in the state. This was the first time in Kerala that a student appeared for SSLC examinations using computer aid.
On Tuesday, as the Kerala Education Minister C Ravindranath was announcing the SSLC results, Haroon a student at the Mankada Government High School, remained hopeful. Haroon got A-plus grade in all the subjects. The Education Minister specially congratulated Haroon in the programme where SSLC results were declared.
Haroon had marked the answers in all his subjects using special software to assist the visually impaired. Overcoming his limitations and challenges, he has been studying with the aid of computers right from the school level. He continued the same in his tenth standard also.
However, to appear for the SSLC examination, Haroon needed approval from the State Education Department. For this, Haroon left for Thiruvananthapuram, with his father. After meeting and bringing his case to the minister’s attention, Haroon got the approval.