Thiruvananthapuram: The dry run for the COVID vaccine before its actual implementation is to be conducted in 4 districts of Kerala, including Thiruvananthapuram, on Saturday.
The dry run would be held prior to the actual administration of the vaccine, to assess the operational feasibility of Co Win Application which would be used for COVID vaccination implementation, and to identify the challenges in the process of planning, implementation, and thereby show a way forward for the actual large scale vaccination process.
The dry run would be held in Wayanad, Idukki and Palakkad districts of Kerala, besides Thiruvananthapuram.
The dry run would test how the vaccination process can be planned and executed once the Centre gives the nod for implementation of the COVID vaccine. The dry run would be conducted in three centres in each of the four districts in the State. These centres would be equipped with waiting areas, injection rooms, and observation rooms.
Each person who gets the vaccine administered would be observed for 30 minutes at the facility.