Alappuzha (Kerala) : A 35-year-old man was burnt alive inside his car which broke out into flames on Monday at Mavelikkara near here. The explosion took place when the youth was trying to park the car in front of his house, police said. The deceased was identified as Kinnetum Kattil Krishna Prakash, a resident of Mavelikkara and a native of Karazhma, Alappuzha district.
He was trapped inside and unable to get out of the car when the car exploded, according to the police. The tragic incident took place at 12:45 a.m. on Monday. The car caught fire suddenly and exploded with a loud noise. The officials were trying to find out the reason for the explosion through the forensic investigation of the burnt remains of the car.
The victim, Krishna Prakash, who ran a computer firm near Mavelikkara Girls School, was living in a rented house. The mishap happened in this Pulimood Jyoti house. The real cause behind the explosion has not been revealed yet. The Police and Forensic officials reached the spot and inspected the vehicle debris.