Pathanamthitta: In a tragic incident, several people including the driver of a bus carrying Sabarimala pilgrims from Tamil Nadu were injured after the vehicle fell into a deep gorge at Nilakkal Ilavunkal area of Kerala on Tuesday, officials said. An official said that the accident took place at around 1.15 pm today while the bus was on its way back from Sabarimala where the pilgrims had the darshan.
The bus carrying at least 62 pilgrims skidded off the surface on the Nilakkal Erumeli Road and fell into a deep gorge. The cause of the accident was not immediately known. In the mishap, several pilgrims including the driver of the bus were injured, an official said. He further informed that seven children are among the injured in the accident.
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District Collector Pathanamthitta said that as soon as the information was received about the incident, a rescue operation was launched to rescue the pilgrims. He said that all 62 passengers were taken out of the bus. The injured were shifted to Kottayam Medical college and district taluk hospitals for treatment, the Collector said.
The condition of the bus driver is said to be critical. Pertinently, the Sabarimala Temple was opened for pilgrims on Monday for the Painkuni festival. The mishap comes a month after a speeding car lost control and rammed into the wall of a house in Karumala, Balussery Road of Kerala. In the horrific road accident on Feb. 24, a toddler an three others- all hailing from Kattippara had a miraculous escape and came out unhurt.
The CCTV footage of the crash also emerged on the Internet. It is said the passengers wore seat belts, which saved their lives.