Kerala: Buddy, a 4-year-old Labrador of the Kasaragod Dog Squad has won the first gold for Kerala at the All-India Police Duty Meet which was held from July 16 to 20.
She was awarded a gold medal after being adjudged the Best Sniffer Dog of India at the Meet in Lucknow.
Buddy was warmly welcomed by officials at the Kasaragod District Police Headquarters after the meet.
She came first in six competitions at the Meet - obedience, food, resistance, luggage search, building search and ground search.
Buddy won the first ever gold for Kerala in the All-India Police Duty Meet. There were more than 52 dogs, including Army and paramilitary dogs who participated in the competitions.
However, Buddy, who was trained at Thrissur for the competition, won the first prize.
She has also won a gold medal at the state event in 2017, and a silver medal in 2018.
Another dog in the Kasargod Dog Squad, Rooney, a German Shepherd tracker, came 7th at the National Meet. Only after competing with the best police dogs of the BSF, ITBP, etc that Buddy and Rooney brought pride to the State Police.
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