New Delhi:In a unique gifting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, actor-turned-MP Suresh Gopi handed over a guava tree sapling. Interestingly, it was Jayalakshmi, a Pathanapuram resident's wish to gift Modi with the sapling she nurtured.
Gopi said that he bestowed the guava sapling to PM as per Jayalakshmi's wish. "I hope that it will grow in the courtyard of PM's official residence," he said. Gopi also took to social media to share a photograph of him handing over the sapling to Modi.
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"Nurtured by a thoughtful young girl in a courtyard of Pathanapuram, all set to bloom in the residence of Indian Prime Minister. Handed over the guava sapling presented by Jayalakshmi (on my visit to Gandhi Bhavan) to Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday as promised. The PM accepted it wholeheartedly and assured to have it planted in his official residence," MP Gopi wrote in a Facebook post.
Gopi also said that Modi might say in near days that there is a new sapling in his yard, bestowed by a young girl from Pathanapuram. "It is a great message, a message of pure democracy," he added.