Thiruvananthapuram: The main accused in the infamous Solar scam case that had rocked the then Oommen Chandy government has maintained that an audio clip of hers doing the rounds is "fake" and hence should be subjected to forensic examination.
In the audio clip, which comes several months ahead of the Kerala Assembly elections, accused Saritha Nair is reportedly heard speaking to a person that the ruling CPI-M has asked her to make money for her "services rendered to that party".
"They (CPI-M ) know me and are slightly scared of me. I am making use of it also," Saritha allegedly tells job aspirant SS Arun, who paid her for getting a government job.
She is allegedly heard claiming that the money so collected is shared between the party and officials who process documents for the jobs.
Arun, who lives on the city outskirts, confirmed that he had got in touch with Saritha and paid money after she promised him a government job. He told the media that there were 317 telephone calls between them and after her call, he found out that the voice of the woman on the audio clip -- who claimed to be an employee at the state Secretariat -- sounded like Saritha's. Later, he said, he asked her if she was Saritha and she replied in the affirmative.