Kochi:With a few months left for the Lok Sabha elections, the Kerala BJP kicked off its 10-day minority outreach programme, 'Sneha Yatra' from Kochi on Thursday to connect with the Christian community.
BJP state president K. Surendran, who inaugurated the yatra, visited the former Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church George Alancheri. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Christmas greetings were conveyed to Alancheri, who in turn expressed his best wishes. The BJP workers will visit the houses of our Christian brothers across the state with the Prime Minister's message", Surendran said.
The yatra was first launched during Easter and the BJP leaders had visited Christian houses at that time. But all the houses could not be covered. This time, BJP workers will visit all the houses during the 10-day period.
Surendran claimed that the programme is to aimed only to convey love and greetings and has no political motive. The purpose is to strengthen harmony and mutual understanding, he said. During the occasion, BJP leaders will greet Christian priests, eminent personalities along with visiting the Bishop houses