Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala):The infant, who is mired in a recent adoption controversy in Kerala, was brought back to the state from Andhra Pradesh late on Sunday night by a team of officials from the Kerala State Council for Child Welfare (KSCCW).
The one-year-old boy, who was in the foster care of a couple in Andhra Pradesh, is suspected to be the child of Anupama S Chandran, who has raised allegations against her parents for kidnapping her baby soon after his birth and giving him in adoption through the KSCCW without her consent a year ago.
The Child Welfare Committee (CWC) had on November 18 issued an order directing the KSCCW to bring the child back to Kerala.
A team, led by KSCCW officials and comprising an escort of a Special Juvenile Police unit, received the child from the adoptive parents in Andhra Pradesh on Saturday and brought him back to Kerala. The team reached the Thiruvananthapuram airport on Sunday night.
The child has been handed over to a child care institution as directed by the CWC.
A DNA test would be carried out soon to identify his biological parents, according to the CWC order.
READ:KSCCW turned into 'body for child trafficking', alleges Anupama