Aluva (Kerala):The body of a six-year-old girl, who went missing 20 hours ago, was found in a sack in Kerala's Aluva on Saturday, the police said. Labourers cleaning the Aluva market premises found the sack lying in an abandoned place. They immediately informed the police and the girl's body was found inside it.
The girl, a native of Bihar was residing in Thayakattukara in Aluva for the last five years, along with her father. She was abducted by Asfaq Alam on the pretext of offering her juice at around 3 pm on Friday. Asfaq, a native of Assam, was nabbed by the police with the help of CCTV footage. During the investigation, Asfaq told police this morning that he had handed over the girl to one Zakir. The police then took him to the flyover where he had handed over the child. They searched for Zakir and detained him. The police suspected that the child might have been sold off to Zakir, but they have not found any money from either Zakir or Asfaq.