Thiruvananthapuram: Police have registered an FIR in the mysterious death series in Karamana where seven members of the family died under mysterious circumstances in the last 15 years.
The complaint has been registered in the death of Gopinathan Nair and his family.
The deceased include Gopinathan Nair's wife Sukhumiyamma, their daughter and sons Jayasri, Jayabalakrishnan and Jayaprakash, his relative Unnikrishnan and Jayamadhavan.
The complaint states that the cause of the murder is the family's property.
Family member Prasanna Kumari lodged a complaint with Karamana police alleging that the murder took place and the assets of Rs 50 crore had been stolen.
The District Crime Branch has also conducted preliminary inquiries about mysterious deaths.
DGP Loknath Behra said, "There was some mystery in the case but this Karamana case is not like Koodathayi case."
He further said, "The preliminary inquiry found that there was a mystery in the deaths and the Crime DCP Mohammed Arif will investigate the case."
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