Bengaluru:Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has accused the BJP of putting obstacles such as delimitation in implementing the Women's Reservation Bill. Alleging that the BJP has displayed its hypocrisy by putting barriers like delimitation, the chief minister said, "This bill was a fraud done to women."
The bill, named as 'Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam' was passed in the Lok Sabha on September 20 and was cleared by the Rajya Sabha a day later. The bill will grant reservations to women on one-third of seats in Lok Sabha and state assemblies. Union Home Minister Amit Shah brushed aside apprehensions of a delay in the implementation of the proposed law and asserted that the next government will conduct a census and delimitation exercise soon after the elections, setting in motion the process to make women's reservation a reality.
Shah indicated that women's reservation will become a reality after 2029. Addressing a seminar on "Women's Reservation" organised by Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Samata Vidyalaya, Karnataka State Federation of Backward Castes and Karnataka Exploited Communities Federation at Gandhi Bhavan on Saturday, Siddaramaiah doubted the implementation of the bill in the near future.
"The BJP has shown it's hypocrisy by putting a barrier of delimitation and census for women's reservation bill fixing its lifespan. The implementation of the bill may not happen anytime soon because of this reason," Siddaramaiah said. If the BJP had a sincere concern to give reservation to women, it would not have put up so many obstacles, he said.