Belagavi (Karnataka):A horrifying incident took place in the Belagavi district on Sunday night when a woman was brutally beaten, stripped and tied to a pole in a village in the Belagavi taluk. According to reports, the victim's son's elopement with a girl he loved, which infuriated the latter's family, was the reason for the attack.
The 42-year-old mother of the young man was brutally attacked by the attackers, who were the relatives of the girl. They stripped and paraded her naked in the village. Additionally, the young man's house was ransacked during the assault, the police said. A girl and the victim's son were allegedly in a relationship and had left their houses on Saturday.
The girl's engagement was set for the next day, and her family had arranged her marriage with another man. But, the couple ran away before the scheduled engagement ceremony. However, the couple's abrupt departure from the planned engagement ceremony infuriated the family members and relatives.
Police from Kakati Station checked the area late at night. In connection with the case, seven accused have been taken into custody. On Monday morning, City Police Commissioner SN Siddaramappa paid a visit to the village and gathered information. The police started searching for the runaway youth and the girl. Two KSRP squads and a police contingent have also been deployed in the village.