Bengaluru: After the Bengaluru Police filed a case on Thursday against the Congress candidate for Rajarajeshwari (RR) Nagar Assembly bypoll, Kusuma H, for violating the COVID-19 protocol during the nomination-filing process, Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah said his party would also file complaints against the BJP nominees on the same charges.
"@BJP4Karnataka leaders have violated election code of conduct & Covid19 protocols during the nomination filing process. But no actions were taken against them. We, from @INCKarnataka shall file a complaint with Election Commission," the Congress leader tweeted on Thursday.
He alleged that the police acted at the behest of Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa, revealing the "autocratic" nature of the BJP government in the state.
"Police have filed a complaint against the RR Nagar candidate Kusuma and my security personnel in the convoy. They had even prevented us during the nomination filing process. The Police are acting on the behest of @CMofKarnataka and this has exposed the autocratic behaviour of @BJP4Karnataka," Siddaramaiah tweeted on Thursday.