Bengaluru:Karnataka Chief Minister B. S. Yediyurappa said on Sunday that a decision on whether he will continue in office or not will be known by Monday, but asserted that he would continue to work for the BJP for the next 10-15 years. The 78-year-old Lingayat strongman said this evening that he was yet to receive the "message" from the party's central leadership on whether he should continue in his post or quit. He expressed confidence that the communication may come by tonight or be known on Monday morning.
Yediyurappa said he had offered to resign two months ago and reiterated that he would continue in the post if the high command so desired and quit if they asked him to resign and go about doing party work. "I will work for the party day and night for the next 10-15 years. Let there be no doubt about it", he said. He said he will speak on the achievements of his government at a function, as planned earlier, on Monday. "After that, other things you will come to know". On what he would do if the "message" does not come from the high command, Yediyurappa said, "I will make a decision then".
Meanwhile, it is learned that Yediyurappa will meet Karnataka governnor Thawar Chand Ghelot tomorrow at his official residence. The Chief Minister's office had already requested an appointment for Yediyurappa to meet the governor.
Earlier, speaking to reporters at the district headquarters town of Belagavi, he said he would abide by the decision of the high command, that he was "content and satisfied" and would not cross the disciplinary line. "I got most of the positions in the party, which no one else might have got in Karnataka, for which I express my gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and party president J P Nadda", Yediyurappa said.
He said he has the "lone target" of toiling for the next two years and bringing the BJP back to power in Karnataka, where Assembly elections are due in 2023. Yediyurappa agreed with BJP national general secretary C T Ravi's statement that everyone in the BJP was an ordinary party worker and he would abide by the party's instruction. "He is 100 per cent right. We will not exceed the disciplinary line. We have been following it and would do so in future as well", the Chief Minister said.
"No message from the High Command so far. There is no need for my supporters to worry," CM BSY said. "I am satisfied with the two years of government. I have done honest work beyond my strength. I worked in co-operation with my colleagues. So my supporters should not worry. Home Minister Amit Shah, PM Modi, JP Nadda are with me," BSY said.