Bengaluru: Education minister Suresh Kumar said that a decision was taken to revise the Vidyagama scheme under the Department of Public Education, according to the Supreme Court order.
"The Vidyagama programme which began on August 8th, was temporarily shut down on October 10th. It helps to help children to stay connected to the school, avoid quitting of studies and opting for jobs, restrict child marriage and child labor in rural areas," minister added.
Vidyagama is a continuous learning programme for school children introduced by the state government of Karnataka. The programme helps to reach out to students by taking classes at doorsteps in their villages.
It is being implemented in government, aided and unaided schools. However, the online classes and lessons in Chandana channel will continue.
"Students with fever, cough, common cold and symptoms of Covid-19 will not be allowed to enter the school premises. Sanitizer, soap and other arrangements will be provided to the students," he said.