Bengaluru:A techie fell from the 33rd floor of an apartment and died around 7 am on December 29. The incident took place at Kodigehalli in Ayyappa Nagar under KR Puram police station limits. The deceased has been identified as Dipanshu Sharma (27). A case of unnatural death has been lodged by Sharma's father at the KR Puram Police Station. The police are awaiting the autopsy report to find out the cause of death.
According to the police, the son of a retired Air Force officer from Uttar Pradesh was a software employee working with a private company in Bengaluru. It is learnt that the incident took place on Friday morning when he was partying with two young women and a friend. According to the police, he had gone to the balcony to smoke a cigarette when he fell off and died. He was in an inebriated condition when he reached the balcony, reports claimed.