Bengaluru: The Karnataka police on Tuesday arrested two men accused of lifting a tempo containing 23 boxes of smartwatches worth Rs 57 lakhs. The accused have been identified as Jameer Ahmed (28) and Syed Shaheed (26). According to police sources, on January 15, two men, John and Bishal Kisan, who work at a warehouse Jaideep Enterprises, were chased by two other men, who came on a bike and blocked their tempo near Jawaregowda Nagar in RR Nagar. They attacked John and Bishal and took away their tempo containing 23 boxes of 1,282 smartwatches worth Rs 57 lakhs. A complaint was lodged at RR Nagar police station in this regard.
Police said the accused attacked and looted them following a minor vehicle collision. The tempo collided with the bike after which both the accused followed the tempo and attacked them. Moreover, they took their tempo, along with the smartwatches worth Rs 57 lakhs and transported them elsewhere. The two have been remanded in judicial custody, police said.