The incident took place late on Monday night when the deceased were returning from Kollur Temple. The deceased were identified as Shashikumar (28) and Sunil Gowda (27) of Soorenahalli village of Kanakapura taluk in Ramanagara district.
Two killed after being hit by BJP MLA's SUV
Two people died after Chikmagalur BJP legislator CT Ravi's SUV hit them near Kunigal town in Karnataka.
The damaged SUV of the MLA.
Issuing a clarification over the accident, Ravi said, "I was heading towards Bengaluru from Chikmagalur. I was supposed to go to Chennai. My driver was driving the car and a gunman was with me. I was sleeping. Even I suffered chest pain and scratches. I can understand the pain of the victims' family. It was unfortunate."
(With ANI inputs)
Also read: Bihar: 4 Dead, 9 injured in accident in Munger