Bengaluru : The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday allowed social media giant Twitter Inc to place the various 'blocking orders' issued by the Union government before it in sealed envelopes. Justice Krishna S Dixit, who is hearing the case, also directed the microblogging company that the same has to be shared with the advocate for the Union government.
The Centre's advocate has requested the court that the proceedings of this case be held in-camera. This will mean a private hearing in which parties not part of the proceedings will not be allowed. The court said the request will be considered.
Twitter Inc has approached the High Court against 10 different 'blocking orders', issued by the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). These orders are variously dated between February 2, 2021 and February 28, 2022. They include orders to block accounts, tweets, URLs and hashtags. On Tuesday, the single judge bench was informed by Twitter's counsel Mukul Rohatgi that MeitY has failed to record reasons for ordering the closure of accounts.