Tumkur: The body of a four-year-old tiger was found in the Ankasandra reserve forest area of Gubbi taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka, officials said on Tuesday. The body of the tiger was found inside a cement pipe in the reserved forest area. The cause of the tiger was not immediately known. Significantly, this is the first time that the presence and movement of tigers have been established in the district. So far no tiger has been found anywhere in the district as per Wildlife Department officials. The forest department was recently informed that a four-year-old tiger was roaming in the area for the past week.
Also read:Karnataka: Two killed in separate tiger attack within 12 hours in Kodagu, locals panic
The reports alerted the locals and forest department staff. The local wildlife department had mobilised men and machinery to capture the tiger. Deputy Conservator of Forests Anupama confirmed the death of the tiger in the incident. The Deputy Conservator of Forests said that soon after the body of the tiger was found, a doctor from Bhadra sanctuary has been sent to conduct the post-mortem.
The cause of the death will be known once the report is available, the Deputy Conservator of Forests said. Pertinently, a 12-year-old boy and a 70-year-old man were mauled to death by a tiger on February 13, while another person was mauled to death in the Kodagu district. As per officials, 12-year-old Chetan was killed by the big cat when he was playing outside his house near the coffee plantation at Paleri village. Within hours of the attack, Raju, a 70-year-old man was dragged and killed by the tiger in the same village.