Bengaluru: The Karnataka police on Friday secured the custody of Zamaal Mohammad Usmani, another accused from its Tamil Nadu counterpart, in connection with a life threat issued to a three-bench judge over the hijab verdict. Vidhana Soudha police, who are investigating the case, produced the accused Jamaal before the court and secured his custody for eight days. Earlier, the state police had taken the accused Kovai Rahmathulla, another accused, into custody in the same matter.
"We are investigating the support system and organised syndicate which is working against the interests of the nation," police said. Both the accused are office-bearers of the Tamil Nadu Towheed Jamaat (TNTJ). The arrests were made after multiple complaints against the accused in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The special bench comprising Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justices Krishna S Dixit and Khaji Jaibunnesa Mohiyuddin, while dismissing the petitions demanding hijab in classrooms, underlined that wearing of hijab is not an essential part of Islam.
Also read:Hijab ban in theclassroom: SC refuses urgent hearing on pleas against Karnataka HC verdict
Several organisations in Tamil Nadu protested against the judgement. During the protest, the video containing the speech of the accused Kovai Rahamathulla went viral. In his speech the accused mentions, a district judge in Jharkhand being mowed down during morning walks last year. He even stated that people know where the Chief Justice of Karnataka goes to walk.