Bengaluru (Karnataka): In 2008, when Yeddyurappa was the chief minister for the first time in the BJP government, his colleague, Minister Haratalu Halappa was accused of sexual scandal and he was later given clean chit. He was accused of raping his friend's wife. The government and the party were embarrassed and Halappa had resigned from the minister post. However, he was later acquitted by district sessions court due to lack of evidence.
Now Yeddyurappa has come back to power and Yeddyurappa is leading the government for a second time.
Read: Karnataka minister caught in sex scandal
But this time Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi is facing an allegation of sexual misconduct. Video of the minister's private moments with a young woman is revealed. As the video released, Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi has not been contacted by anyone and has not responded.
Ramesh Jarakiholi joined BJP through operation Kamala. Opposition parties are already asking Jarkiholi to resign. The session is scheduled to start on March 4 and the government will face criticism from opposition parties.