Hassan (Karnataka):A stampede occurred at the Haasanamba temple premises in Karnataka's Hassan this afternoon after a few devotees reportedly suffered electric shock. The injured were rushed to the hospital for treatment. The incident took place when the devotees were queuing up in front of the temple for darshan. Devotees said a damaged electric wire was lying on the ground some distance away. Devotees heard that a few people experienced electric shock and this led to a panic among the devotees. They started running haywire and some of them fell on the ground. A few others even stepped on them and soon a stampede-like situation ensued in the area. Finally, police reached the spot and brought the situation under control.
A huge crowd of devotees flocked to Haasanamba temple of darshan today as the day is considered to be an auspicious occasion to offer prayers. Police said that initially there was no chaos and devotees waited patiently in queue for their turn. It was only after news spread that a few devotees had experienced electric shock they started to run in panic.