Mysore:The Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat Express trial run began at MG Ramachandran Central Railway station in Chennai on Monday. The Express train, the first such indigenously-built high-speed rail in the southern part of India and the country's fifth, will be flagged off by PM Modi on November 11.
The first Vande Bharat Express train was flagged off on February 15, 2019, on the New Delhi-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi route. The government has dedicated significant efforts towards strengthening the 'Make in India' campaign, and Vande Bharat Express is one of its success stories.
Speed, safety, and service are the hallmarks of Vande Bharat Express. Integral Coach Factory (ICF), Chennai, a Railways Production unit, has been the force behind the system integration of these rails in just 18 months. It can run up to a maximum speed of 160 kmph and has travel classes like Shatabdi Train but with a better travel experience for passengers. This train is the next major leap for Indian Railways in terms of speed and convenience.
It can achieve high speeds due to faster acceleration and deceleration and will reduce journey time by 25 to 45 percent. Besides, all coaches are equipped with automatic doors; a GPS-based audio-visual passenger information system, onboard hotspot Wi-Fi for entertainment purposes, and very comfortable seating. The executive class also has rotating chairs.