Bengaluru: Former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday alleged that Sangh Parivar leaders were fanning the agitation of various communities in the state demanding reservation, to 'mislead' their struggle for social justice.
Various communities led by their seers have intensified their ongoing agitation in Karnataka, demanding reservation and categorisation as Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes.
In a series of tweets, the Congress stalwart advised people not to fall prey to the "mischievous misdeeds' of the Sangh Parivar" who are trying to create conflict in society."
"Always opposed to the reservation, is the BJP leaders' outcry for the reservation to various communities a genuine one? Or is it another political tactic to mislead the struggle for social justice?" Siddaramaiah asked. It was not clear who the outfits, allegedly backed by BJP, were targetting, since it was the party led government at the state and Centre, he said.