Shivamogga: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai on Thursday said he will recommend the Center to name the Shivamogga Airport after former Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa. He was speaking at the inauguration ceremonies of various development works of the Shivamogga assembly constituency organized at NES ground in the city on Wednesday.
The Cabinet has already decided to name the airport after BS Yediyurappa and the proposal will be submitted to the Centre. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the airport on February 27, in the purview of which he has appealed to people to participate in large numbers. The PM also said that Shivamogga is the fastest growing and developing city of the future in Karnataka after Bangalore.
Earlier last year, the international airport in Chandigarh was renamed on September 28, 2022, after freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. The development had come days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi made an announcement in this regard. The airport is now known as Bhagat Singh International Airport.