Karwar (Karnataka): In a surprising discovery that has left the residents of Ankola in awe, a remarkable specimen of an Atlas moth, colloquially known as the "giant moth," has been found in the region. This extraordinary find occurred in the tranquil yard of Jyoti Naik's residence in the Aslagadde area of the taluk. Measuring larger than the palm of one's hand, the Atlas moth is acclaimed as one of the largest moth species globally, boasting a female's wing span of nearly 10-12 inches—wider than the span of a human hand.
The incredible encounter with this magnificent creature was made possible through the vigilance of a local hero, Govinda Nayka, who intervened just in time to rescue the moth from a perilous fate at the beaks of hungry birds.
Contrary to popular belief, the Atlas moth is not a butterfly but rather a colossal moth scientifically known as 'Attacus atlas.' One of its distinctive characteristics is its exceedingly brief lifespan, lasting a mere week. Forest ranger Gopal Nayka elucidated, "During the daytime, the moth remains at rest, while at night, it embarks on a quest for a mate. The female emits pheromones that males can detect from significant distances, thanks to their feathery antennae."
The Atlas moth derives its name from its impressive size and the snake-like edges of its wings. Curiously, despite its substantial dimensions, this moth lacks the ability to feed after emerging from its cocoon. Instead, it relies on the reserves of fat accumulated during its caterpillar phase for sustenance. Astonishingly, after spending approximately a month within its cocoon, Atlas moths live for no more than a single week.
This magnificent species is native to various tropical and forested habitats across Asia and is renowned for its reddish-brown wings adorned with striking triangular patterns outlined in black. Furthermore, the Atlas moth's life journey, from its remarkable caterpillar stage to its creation of intricate silk cocoons, is a captivating marvel of nature. Its existence continues to captivate and inspire those fortunate enough to encounter this extraordinary creature in the wilds of Ankola.
Here are eight rare characteristics of Atlas Moth:
The Enormous Atlas Moth: A Marvel of Nature's Design
In the intricate tapestry of the natural world, certain creatures stand out as marvels of adaptation and evolution. One such remarkable inhabitant of the animal kingdom is the Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas). With its massive size, intriguing life cycle, and unique defence mechanisms, the Atlas Moth is a captivating species that has captured the fascination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.
1. Monarchs of the Moth World
The Atlas Moth, found predominantly in Asia, claims its position as one of the largest moth species globally. Its colossal wingspan, stretching up to an astonishing 12 inches, makes it an undisputed giant in the moth realm. When considering its total wing surface area, which can reach up to 62 square inches, it ranks only behind the white witch moth and the Hercules moth. This impressive wingspan serves not only as a testament to the wonders of nature but also as an intriguing adaptation for a life spent mostly in flight.
2. Caterpillar Giants
The Atlas Moth's remarkable journey begins in its larval stage, where it takes the form of a sizable caterpillar. Just two weeks after hatching, these caterpillars commence their voracious feeding frenzy. They start by devouring their own eggshells, a resourceful first meal, before turning their attention to the leaves of various trees such as citrus, guava, cinnamon, and Jamaican cherry. This culinary indulgence serves a dual purpose: sustaining them through the pupal stage and providing ample nutrients for their adult moth phase.
In captivity, where they are often found in butterfly conservatories, Atlas Moth caterpillars are carefully confined to dedicated feeding areas to prevent widespread plant devastation. As Luke Brown, the manager of the British Natural History Museum's butterfly house, explains, "We don't let them roam free in the exhibition because they eat so much." This controlled environment ensures the caterpillars accumulate sufficient fat reserves necessary for their subsequent metamorphosis.
Before pupation, these caterpillars can grow up to an astonishing four and a half inches in length. They construct a cocoon meticulously filled with bits of leaves, emerging as magnificent Atlas Moths approximately one month later.
3. A Caterpillar's Defence Arsenal