Belagavi (Karnataka):Former Karnataka Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi, allegedly involved in the scandal that has rocked state politics, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently undergoing treatment at Gokak taluk hospital, a doctor treating him said on Monday.
"On Thursday night, he had complained of fever and cough, on conducting rapid (antigen) test the result came out to be positive, as he had no other issues, he was advised home isolation," Dr Ravindra of the Gokak taluk hospital said.
Speaking to reporters, the doctor said, last night at about 10.30 he complained of breathing issues, so he was admitted and is undergoing treatment for COVID. "Sugar and BP is bit high, but he is stable...he (Jarkiholi) is currently in ICU, depending on the situation we will decide...also two of his contacts have tested positive," he said, adding that the Gokak MLA had a travel history of Maharashtra and Bengaluru where there are a high number of cases.