Gundlupet (Karnataka):Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Friday termed his party's ongoing 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' as the 'only option' left for them to reach out to the people at a time when all other forms of expression have been shut. "There are various institutions in democracy. There's the media and Parliament, too. Still, all these have been shut for the opposition and the media doesn't listen to us," said Rahul Gandhi, addressing a public meeting at Gundlupet after his 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' entering Karnataka here in Chamarajanagar district on Friday morning. "There's total government control. Our mikes are muted in Parliament, Assemblies are not allowed to function and opposition is harassed. In this situation, the only option left with us is 'Bharat Jodo Yatra," Rahul Gandhi said.
"This march is to save the Constitution. This tri-colour is meaningless without the Constitution," Rahul said and added that the yatra is aimed at highlighting the people's struggle against price rise, unemployment, atrocities against farmers and the privatisation of public sector units. "The objective of this Yatra is not to give speeches, but to hear you," he told the people. Asserting that no force in the country can stop this yatra, Rahul said: "This is India's march and a march to hear India's voice, which no one can suppress." In the next 21 days, the Yatra would cover 511 km passing through various districts in the State. The "pain of Karnataka" will be heard during this march, he said.
Also Read:Rahul Gandhi's 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' enters Karnataka; public meeting at Gundlupet