Bengaluru: Fake Covid negative certificate was available for sale for Rs 2,500 in Bengaluru and this racket was allegedly run by three women, including a doctor working at a Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike run fever clinic.
A statement released late on Tuesday evening by the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) said that it has dismissed one ASHA worker, Shanti, and a lab technician, Mahalakshmi, who allegedly issued fake Covid negative certificates with the help of a resident doctor, Shailaja.
“The three women used to charge Rs 2,500 per certificate, flouting every possible norm,” a BBMP official said.
The BBMP further added that Shailaja was hired on a contract basis and the BBMP has terminated her contract as well.
The officials further added that the trio used to conduct rapid antigen test (RAT) as it was convenient for them, as this provided an escape route from misreading, stating that swab test was incorrect.
“RAT is known for its faulty readings. That is why it was easier for them to escape until a TV reporter caught them red-handed and their misdeed was caught on camera,” the source said.