Bengaluru:Telugu poet Varavara Rao has moved the Karnataka High Court challenging the non-bailable warrant issued against him by the trial court in Madhugiri of Tumakuru district in connection with the 2005 police massacre case. The warrant was issued after Roa failed to appear in court on October 21.
The case in which Rao has been made an accused is related to an attack by the Naxalites on a police team killing six of them and a civilian at Venkatammanahalli in Pavagada Taluk in Tumakuru district on February 10, 2005. The poet is currently on bail on medical grounds in the Elgar Parishad case.
The appeal has been made on the grounds that Varavara Rao's movement was restricted by the Mumbai High Court. "Therefore in view of the high court order he could not appear before the court," he stated.
On the date of the hearing, an exemption application was filed that was erroneously dismissed and the NBW was issued. Therefore, this petition has been filed to set aside the order by the Madhugiri court, he said.