Chitradurga: A pigeon returned to its owner in Karnataka's Megalahatti village in four days covering around 700 km after it was left at Sabarimala by its owner after having darshan of the Ayappa Swami in Kerala's Sabarimala temple. Venkatesh of Megalahatti village in Chitradurga district went to Sabarimala to have darshan and took his pet pigeon along in a box. After letting the pigeon out, the owner returned to his home. He has been keeping pigeons for several years.
Venkatesh released the pigeon at Sabarimala. "It is common for pigeons to fly away. It is also common for them to become preys of hawks and eagles. But this pigeon reached its home after four days of being released and only trained pigeons can find their way back," Venkatesh, a bird breeder said.
After four consecutive days, the pigeon returned to its owner. A pigeon can fly at high altitudes reaching 6000 feet or above. It can fly up to 77.6 mph at average speed but flying at 92.5 mph has been observed and in a single day, pigeons could travel about 600 to 700 miles.