Vijayanagara (Karnataka): In a ghastly incident, a young man allegedly hanged himself from an electric street lamp pole in Vijayanagara district here even as the onlookers showed zeal to capture the scene on their phone cameras but not tried to go to the rescue of the youth. This incident took place in Hanumanahalli of Hosapete taluk of Vijayanagara district. The young man, who ended his life, was identified as Manjunath (25).
Youth hangs self from street lamp pole, as onlookers captured videos in Karnataka
An incident has caused outrage among the netizens who criticised the persons who showed interest only in capturing the youth's suicide on their phone cameras. They did not try to save the young man who ended his life by hanging himself from the street lamp pole in Vijayanagara district in Karnataka.
People watch as a young man dies by suicide
Also read:Debt-ridden farmer ends life in Nagpur; 5th suicide in Maha district this month
The youth hanged himself from the lamp pole on National Highway 50. The people, who gathered there, were filming instead of trying to save him. The activists on social media vented their outrage against the persons who were eyewitnesses and who made the videos of the dying youth.