Ramanagara (Karnataka) : A strange incident surfaced in Karnataka's Channapatna taluk where a woman has complained to the forest department against a peacock that purportedly attacked her and injured her with its sharp beak. The complainant, Lingamma of Aralalusandra village, went to the Forest Conservator's office and lodged a written complaint against the peacock on June 28.
Some villagers have also signed this complaint demanding that the forest department take action against the peacock. As per the complaint, a peacock has been living near her house for the past four or five days, and on June 26, when she was working in the backyard, the peacock suddenly attacked her. It also caused fatal and serious injury with its sharp beak, Lingamma said.
As it was evening when the incident took place, she was treated at a private hospital in the village. The next day she was treated at BV Halli Primary Health Centre. In the complaint submitted to the forest department, they requested that the peacock should be caught and left back in the forest. The villagers told officials that the number of peacock attacks in the village is rising.