Mysuru: The police officials who visited Mysuru on Friday to investigate the Lok Sabha breach case sealed the room of Manoranjan D, one of the two intruders who jumped into the Lower House Chamber from the visitors' gallery on Wednesday. An engineering graduate, Manoranjan was recently held by the Delhi Police for entering the well of the House, opening a gas canister and spraying yellowish fumes.
According to sources, the officials of the Central Intelligence Department and the State Intelligence Department along with local police visited Manoranjan's residence in Mysuru. The officials searched Manoranjan's room and later locked it. The officials also instructed his parents not to open the lock till the investigators asked them to. They said that they would come for investigations again. The officials are also scrutinising Manoranjan's bank statements.
Sources said that during interrogation, Manoranjan's parents told them that Sagar Sharma, who first jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber from the visitor's gallery, had visited their house in Mysuru. The investigating officials are also looking out for places where the duo went in Mysuru. Manoranjan's father Devaraj Gowda vouched for his son's good behaviour and conduct. He said that he had never harmed anybody and was very fond of reading books.