Haveri (Karnataka):"Accused in the Hanagal woman gang-rape case have been arrested and investigations are underway. In our government, no one will be allowed to take the law into their own hands," said Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday. Speaking to the media in Haveri, the CM said, "We will take action as per the law. We will try to punish whoever took the law into their hands. There is no question of protecting anyone."
Reacting to the BJP's demand to hand over the case to the SIT, Siddaramaiah said, "The police will also investigate the SIT team. The case is being investigated. A decision will be taken after the preliminary report is received." Reacting to former Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai's statement that there was an attempt to hush up the case, the CM said, "There is no question of covering up the case. We will take strict action against the wrongdoers. The application submitted by the victim's family regarding compensation will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken."