Bengaluru (Karnataka): Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, at least eight MBBS students (studying at Kharkiv International Medical University) hailing from Karnataka's Haveri district have said they are without food and water. A video message uploaded by one of the students mentions that they neither have food nor water, and that the Indian embassy is also not responding to their calls.
"We are in Ukraine's Kharkiv city. We are not getting essential commodities. Not even food and water. 100-200 people from Karnataka are there here. 2-3 times I heard a bombarding sound. The Indian embassy is not responded to the phone call or messages", he said.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday said that more than 10 students from Karnataka are stranded in Ukraine and the Indian government is trying all possible measures to help them.
"As many as 100 Indian citizens, students are stranded in Ukraine due to war. They got stranded while going to the airport. The flights have been suspended after the war broke out. Right now they are in two buses and we have learnt that there are more than 10 students from Karnataka among them. We are getting information on their whereabouts," he said.