Bengaluru:Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman watched 'Kantara', the small budget blockbuster movie, in Bengaluru city here and lauded the director of the film. The grand success of the low budget movie also came in for praise from Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal at the inaugural ceremony of the three-day Global Investors' Meet (GIM) here.
Goyal was so impressed by the movie that he asked the industry leaders to take note of the success of Kantara. Goyal referred to the movie while recalled his interaction with tycoons of the world's Fortune 500 companies and how they looked at Karnataka and Bengaluru to expand their businesses.
"Considering Fortune 500 companies and the way they are looking to expand their operations in and around Bengaluru and other parts of Karnataka, I almost felt it was like a rerun of the movie Kantara," Goyal said amid thunderous applause and a hearty laugh from the audience. He said the movie was made with a very small investment showcasing indigenous an art form of Karnataka. The flick has been making waves in the commercial and critical spheres.