Mysore (Karnataka):An idol of Ram Lalla sculpted by Mysore-based Arun Yogiraj has been selected for installation at the Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22, temple trust's general secretary Champat Rai confirmed on Monday. This decision has turned Yogiraj's family so ecstatic that they celebrated Sankranti by sharing sesame seeds and jaggery with everyone.
Speaking to ETV Bharat in an exclusive interview, Yogiraj's mother Saraswati and wife Vijeta Yogiraj shared their gratitude for the unique opportunity given to the sculptor. "We are elated after receiving the news on the auspicious day of Sankranti. I got the Krishna Shila stone from Mysore's Heggadevankote and sent it for carving the idol of Ram Lalla. I worshipped the stone for a long time and finally, it turned worthwhile.''
Vijeta claimed that life has come full circle after family members received the news. ''Life has drastically changed for good for Arun after he finished sculpting this idol for the holy event. When Arun had gone to Ayodhya for six months, I faced an uphill task to manage my children. However, his hard work paid dividends and now we are more than happy.'' Vijeta added.