Bangalore: The Karnataka State Legal Services Authority (KSLSA) has set a new record by settling 3.32 lakh cases on a single day in the third Lok Adalat held after a break due to COVID-19.
A total of 3,32,936 cases have been settled, said Arvind Kumar, Senior Justice of High Court and executive chairman of KSLSA, during a media briefing on March 27. This is the first time such a large number of cases have been settled in the country. The hard work of judicial officers, staff and lawyers played a pivotal role in this achievement. This milestone has been achieved as clients have also settled their disputes, he said.
Also read:Mysore Lok Adalat settles thousands of cases
A total of 544,376 pending cases were identified in the Mega-Lok Adalat, which could be resolved through a compromise process in various courts across the state. The Mega Lok Adalat has settled 19,113 lawsuits and 3,13,823 pending court cases, he said.