Bengaluru: KarnatakaChief Minister designate Siddaramaiah said that all measures have been taken to ensure there was no disruption in the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) 2023 exam which will be held later in the day. He directed the City Police to carry out necessary precautions and measures in place that no student attending the exam is affected due to the swearing-in ceremony.
"Measures have been taken to ensure no student attending the CET exam, in the centres around Kanteerava stadium, is affected due to oath taking ceremony. I request all the candidates to reach the examination centre before 9:30 AM, and reach out to Police for any help," the CM designate wrote tagging Bengaluru City Police and Traffic Wing.
He also sent out an appeal to the audience attending the event in Kanteerava stadium to cooperate with the police for smooth traffic movement. Bengaluru City Police and Traffic Wing should make sure students writing CET around Kanteerava stadium, are not affected by the oath taking ceremony. All those attending the oath taking ceremony should co-operate with the Police for smooth traffic movement, Siddaramaiah wrote in the post.
The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) which is tasked to hold the KCET 2023 exam has fixed the exam schedule on May 20 onwards. KCET 2023 exam has four different sessions one each for physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and Kannada language. Last year, the KEA had received 2,13,000 applications and this year, the exam authority has received over 2.5 lakh applications.
On May 20, the KCET 2023 will be held between 10.30 am to 11.50 am in the first session and the forenoon session will be on biology. The afternoon session will be held between 2.30 pm and 3.50 pm and it will be on mathematics. On May 21, the exam timings will remain the same and the forenoon session will be on physics. Chemistry will be held in the afternoon. Kannada language paper will be held on Monday (May 22). It will begin at 11.30 am and will conclude in 60 min.