Mangaluru (Dakshina Kannada): Around 100 kg of drug-laced chocolate was seized by Mangaluru city police on Wednesday. Acting on a tip-off, the Pandeshwar police raided two shops in the city and impounded the drug-laced chocolates. A shop owned by Manohar Shet in Mangaluru's Car Street and a shop run by Uttar Pradesh-based Bechan Sonkar in Falneer were raided. Around 100 kg of drug-laced chocolates were seized. Police registered a case against both the accused Manohar Shet and Bekhan Sonkar and arrested them. The arrested persons were being interrogated by the police.
Mangaluru City Police Commissioner Kuldeep Kumar Jain said, "The raids were carried out after receiving information that the accused were selling drug-laced chocolates after procuring them from other places. The two accused were arrested by the police for further grilling. The samples of the seized chocolates were sent to the forensic laboratory for testing to detect the content used in making drugs. Further action will ensue after the receipt of forensic report findings."