Mangaluru (Karnataka):Even as the Karnataka government is continuing with its declared stand against the opening of Talapady border with Kerala in the wake of coronavirus outbreak, Mangaluru city Corporation on Thursday came out with an order restricting people and vehicles from the neighbouring state.
In the order, the Mangaluru Corporation Commissioner (MCC) Ajith Kumar Hegde said that it is the duty of the corporation to take steps to keep the residents of the city safe and protect them from the spread of coronavirus.
As the virus is spreading through the movement of people and by coming in contact with people who are afflicted, it becomes necessary to restrict the movement of vehicles and people from Kerala within the MCC limits, he said.
Hence, under section 58(22) of the KMC Act which deals with 'prevention and checking the spread of dangerous diseases,' the MCC commissioner is required to invoke emergency powers under Section 64 of the KMC Act of 1976 to contain the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, he said.
The MCC commissioner also banned vehicles carrying afflicted people, those who came in contact with COVID-19 patients or those who are suspected to be suffering from any such contagious diseases from entering the city. The order has been issued after considering the report by MCC health officer, he said.
He also pointed out that the order of the state government on March 23, has already stated that the borders with Kerala will be closed for patients from Kerala also in the wake of the rapid spread of coronavirus there.